por BonFeu | Oct 7, 2024 | Información y experiencias, Anuncios y reseñas de productos, Consejos de mantenimiento y uso
With summer slowly coming to an end and autumn making its appearance, it’s time to think about storing your BonFeu garden fireplace with protective covers for the winter season. While it can be tempting to just leave them outside, storing your fireplace...
por BonFeu | Abr 21, 2023 | Consejos y recetas de cocina, Anuncios y reseñas de productos
A plancha and a grill are two popular items that, in combination with a fire bowl or garden fireplace, allow you to prepare delicious dishes outdoors. Both accessories offer unique advantages and are suitable for different types of dishes. In this blog, we will...
por BonFeu | Dic 14, 2022 | Events & Specials, Seasonal Tips & Inspiration
Christmas is just around the corner. So celebrate with your family and friends outside for once this year. Cosy up around an atmospheric BonFeu fire, make all the preparations for the Christmas dinner and enjoying snacks and drinks in the ultimate Christmas...